Success on Three Fronts

Defining Success

Students and professionals from around the world came together this summer to improve their English. In process, they wrote their own definitions of and recommendations for success to share with you. Today’s perspective comes from Alejandro in Chile.

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Hello, my name is Alejandro Silva, and I’m from Chile.


I define success as: success means having success in my professional goals, with enough resources and time to grow- and giving support to my children- giving them the best opportunities, being independent and having financial tranquility when I’m older.


Based on my definition, if you want to be successful, I would recommend that you prioritize three key relationships in your life: 

1.- Your Profession:

 To be successful , it is vital to work on what you want, learn about it, meet people, and work together. Put your heart on that and be ambitious on your goals. Be loyal with the people around you and share your achievements.

 2.-Your Family

 Take care and push them to achieve their goals, share time with them every day, and be kind with your children.

 3.- Your life

In your financial tranquility, save money for your aging time and to be independent of the sources of the life. Save 30% of your income and your extra income, and invest it in what you want and believe (don’t believe in people you don’t know; sometimes they have different objectives).

Take care about your health, play sports, and sleep the hours your body needs.


We hope this encourages you to define, pursue, and achieve your own success. Discover more in this series here:

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