The Purposeful Difference means that your language needs, goals, and aspirations come first.

How Class Works

  1. We meet for a free consultation to discuss your needs and goals.

  2. We assess your language level.

  3. We design your course or select from one of our hybrid classes.

  4. You make progress toward your goals.

  5. We reassess your progress throughout and at the end of the course.


Class Format


Here's the really exciting part. You have the option of learning from wherever you are. All you need is a computer and good internet connection. 


Most classes are one-on-one, designed to give you streamlined success to your goals. This method helps you make the most progress in the smallest time possible.


What about group classes? Absolutely. As long as we have the minimum for a group class, these dynamic classes can help you achieve your language goals. 


Here is the most exciting part. Coming soon, we will have excellent class options that give you the flexibility of learning through both expert video and one-on-one, personalized feedback. 


So what are you waiting for?

Join me for a Free Consultation today to start a conversation about what you want out of language classes and how Purposeful English might be the solution you are looking for.

And don't be afraid to dream. And be sure to:


Want something unique?

Our ears are open. And our trainers are experts in the field. We know what it takes to make progress. And we're not afraid to try something new.

In fact, when you think about it- that's our job. One of the most exciting things about being a language trainer is that we get the joy of learning how to coach individuals from all different professional and cultural backgrounds to be the most successful in their unique contexts. Join me for a free consultation to see if we could team up to make your unique idea reality.