Posts in Teacher Resources
More Practice with Prepositions: In, On and At

Would you like to know how to use the prepositions in, on, and at? This free infographic can boost your skill. Practice using these prepositions for time and location.

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Talking about Family and Hobbies

Do you want to talk about family and hobbies in English? Here are some great questions and answers to get you started.

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Conversation Questions about Family

Do you want to talk about family in English? Here are some great conversation starters about family.

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Conversation Questions about Music

Do you want to talk about music in English? Here are some great conversation questions about music.

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5 Brain-Based Solutions to Stop Procrastinating

There’s an 8 in 10 chance you procrastinate. Procrastination can be problematic. Here are 5 practical, brain-based solutions to help you stop.

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Why We Procrastinate

Would you like to understand the brain-based reasons for procrastination so you can overcome it? Want to improve your English? Read this article to find out how.

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Prepositions: In, On, At

Would you like to know how to use the prepositions in, on, and at? This free infographic can boost your skill. Practice using these prepositions for time and location.

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Stop Procrastinating By Doing Nothing

Looking for a great tip to stop procrastinating? Want to improve your English? Read this article to find out how doing nothing might help you do more.

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Define Success

How do you define success? Can you define success in one word? Get a global perspective on success by watching this inspirational video from my class.

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Companies Lose Nearly Half of Employees After Relocation

With 67% of international assignments failing, companies are spending millions on great opportunities gone bad. And they are losing their best and brightest over it. Why are they failing? The problem is clear, and so is the solution.

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Teaching Pronunciation to Avoid Cultural Collisions

Where people of different language backgrounds intersect along the crossroads of culture, suprasegmental pronunciation differences can often lead to misperceptions- not only of meaning, but also of attitude, emotion, intention, personality, and even character. Find out about a study I spoke on at MIDTESOL conference this week.

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