Corporate Partnerships


get better results

You have found the best and brightest from around the globe. You selected the right person for the right job. You’re excited to see the results.

As time goes by, you might realize there is more to it than an excellent selection. You have to ensure this premiere employee is equipped to translate their skills and abilities effectively into a new language and culture.

The good news is, this is something within your power to give them. And the investment is a drop in the bucket compared to what you’ve already invested in the move. Let us partner with you to empower your employees to be successful.

improve employee retention

To succeed in a global market, you need global minded employees to take a leap and go wherever you need their skill. It’s good news, then, that 70% of emerging employees are interested in working internationally at some point in their career.

Yet the statistics are disappointing. While your company is likely to invest a minimum of 100,000 to move a home-owning employee to a new location abroad, you are quite likely to lose the employee in the process. 21% leave the company during international assignment, and 43% leave within three years of returning home after the assignment.

What can be done? Get ahead of the 53% of companies failing to provide cross cultural training, 55% failing to provide language training, and 91% failing to provide repatriation training to their relocated employees and their families.


Relocation and REpatriation services

Relocation is one of the most costly investments you will ever make in an employee. Language and cultural training are essential to making this investment last. Many companies make the investment only to lose their employee to another company due to family maladjustment. Even more lose the employee upon repatriation.

Ensure successful relocation and repatriation by providing essential language, culture, and repatriation training to employees and their families.

We provide tailored training to each group, individual, or family. We will assess their needs and offer training that fits their schedule and builds upon the starting points they already have so that they can exceed expectations and thrive in a global context.

Language training

To thrive abroad, your employees need essential communication skills. Just having a high TOEFL score or a high proficiency level in English does not ensure successful communication on a multicultural team.

To communicate effectively, employees need language skills specific to navigating the subtleties of diplomatic language, negotiation, idiomatic language, and phrases specific to meeting, presentation, and workplace-specific contexts.

You don’t want to overwhelm them with requirements or offend them by offering training they feel they have already had. No worries! Purposeful English is here to provide tailored training to each group, individual, or family. We will assess their needs and offer training that fits their schedule and builds upon the starting points they already have so that they can exceed expectations and thrive in a global context.


cross cultural training

Your employees need the language and cultural skills to work within multi-cultural organizations. To effectively make deals, manage conflict, and satisfy clients globally, you must provide them the key.

Your global employees see everything through a slightly different cultural lens. This is a valuable asset to your organization and to problem-solving. However, if these individuals or your entire team has not yet been trained in these differences, your greatest asset can become your greatest pain.

We offer individual, family, small group, and large group cultural training specific to the needs of your employees and organization.