Find Out How to Pronounce Your Most Difficult Words

You have specific words that are hard to pronounce. These are words you use every day for your personal or professional life, but you either aren't sure how to pronounce them, or just can't seem to get them right.

Some Words are Difficult to Pronounce

Through the years of working with professionals, I've found that people often mispronounce some of the words most important for their work. For example, I've had engineers that pronounce the word machinery stressing the first part instead of the second. Listen to the audio below. 

Native speakers would not understand them on this critical word for their profession. I've had many medical professionals mispronouncing some of the most important words in their day-to-day work conversations about their research. It is very easy to think you have it right, but to get it terribly wrong. This can slow down your work, affect your result, change your workplace relationships, and overall just be discouraging.

Do You Want to Know How to Pronounce The Words Most Difficult For You?

Let me help! I'd love to create a short video for you pronouncing the word(s) or phrase(es) that you have the most trouble with. If you already know words that you struggle with, please tell me what word (s) you're struggling with through the form below, and I'll create you a short video and post it to the blog for you.

Don't Know What Words To Choose?

Strategy 1: Take Notes

As you go through your day, pay attention to every time someone asks you to repeat yourself. If someone is not understanding what you say, you might be saying it incorrectly. Start to notice which words and phrases people have the most trouble with. Try asking them which word specifically they couldn't understand. Keep notes for 2-3 day, and you should start to figure out which words you need to work on the most.

Strategy 2: Ask Someone

Pick someone you trust in your field or at your workplace and ask them. You can tell them, "I'm working on my pronunciation, and I wonder if you would be willing to help." Then ask them, "Are there any words that I consistently mispronounce?" If they can't think of any right then, ask them, "Could you please pay attention over the next week and let me know if you notice any?" Their feedback can help you tremendously.

They know the field and which words are most important. Likely, they know you and are familiar with your mistakes. They probably figured out a long time ago which words you were trying to say, but out of politeness never said anything to you about it. If they can't think of any right away, likely within a few days, they will have some great feedback for you.

I'll Help You Avoid Pronunciation Mistakes

Don't worry, to protect your confidentiality, your name and personal information will not be included in the video. Even so, I'd like to give you personalized feedback if you want it. If you add a short audio file of you saying the word or short phrase, I'll let you know if you are doing anything wrong. In the video, I'll say the word correctly. Then, I’ll play the excerpt of you saying the word and I'll say, "Be careful not to...." Listen carefully to what I say after "Be careful not to....", and you will know what mistakes you are currently making and how to avoid them. Don’t worry, I will keep who submitted the excerpt completely confidential.

Follow The Blog So You Don't Miss Your Video

Please be patient with me as I fill everyone's requests, and be sure to follow this blog so you don't miss when yours is posted.

Image Credit: Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash